My Feelings and reactions..

As you all know, this is my first time creating and posting posts on the blog.. so i hope that my pioneers will teach me on how to improve my blog. Hmm.. let's move on! Ok.. how i feel when i first accepted into SST?
At that time, i had a mixed feelings but 1 thing i knew was i was extremely SHOCKED! I didn't expect to get through as i was in the waiting list and they only allow 40% of girls in the national to be in the school.My reactions? I knew i got through to SST when i got my Psle results and behind was a piece of paper.. i was curious at first so i turned to the page and to my amazement, i was accepted.. Thanks God!
My parents's face turned pink and i know that they are happy that i got in! i, myself, did'nt expect it and i started to jumped in joy.But i felt shocked at first, of course. All my friends are shocked with what i was doing and they called me' crazy'. haha! After thAT AS A CELEBRATION, we eat at one restaurant which i don't know what. There were a variety of food and it was scrumptious! Yummy>.<..I was very excited that i get to go onto SST. I will continue to work hard there and lift my head held high! OMG! Bye Bye!
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